Sunday, December 26, 2010

Funny River Community Lutheran Church

Today was our last Sunday at Funny River Community Lutheran Church for a while.  Studying church architecture, history and ecclesiastical art is a goal of my sabbatical.  Even though our church history is not very long, we do have a history and it is good to reflect on it.  Our church building was dedicated on June 19, 2005, but its beginnings go back to 1995 when we first began meeting for worship at the Funny River Community Center.  Our small group began to grow and soon the group felt that "we should build a church".  Land was donated, the groundbreaking was on June 20, 2004 and work began.  Many volunteers helped with the construction, many people donated money and the necessary 'parts' of the building.  The result of all of the donations of time, talents, skills and hard work is God's House on Rabbit Run Road in Funny River, Alaska.