Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The girls have come to visit us, to meet the relatives and to see what this part of the world is all about.  We are having an absolutely wonderful time and are so thankful for this time together!
Budapest was our meeting place and smiles were abundant!

We took a boat ride to view the city lights.  After about 14 hours of travel and a 10 hour time difference it was a little hard to keep their eyes open for the night tour, but they managed.

We took the Hop On Hop Off bus the next day and saw many more city sights.  And a lightening and thunder storm the likes of which we do not see at home!

OF COURSE we went to Rakos.  Every village, town and city has this type of sign.....this one happens to be as we were leaving.....the girls have photos of the sign as we entered.

These two women came to the church to open it so that we could see the inside.  It has been recently refurbished and they were so pleased to be able to show it to us.

It really is a lovely church.  Rakos is (was) a mining town and the crest even appears on the church.

One day we went to Bardejov.  The Lutheran church is in the background.

On that same day we "found" two more wooden churches.

The highlight of the time here has been meeting the family!

Karen and baby Karin (11 mos.)

We had a large dinner meal around 2 o'clock and then it just wouldn't do to have us leave without eating again!

We have seen castles, had a picnic in the rain on the banks of the Danujek River while watching the rafters float by, shopped at Market Day in Poland and have just been having a great time together!
What a great idea Jahna and Karen had to come to Slovakia for a visit!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Storks, Cows, Horses, Sheep and Goats

and even a flock of geese!

Even though we have eaten pork for more than half of our meals here, we have yet to see a pig!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Visiting Two Renaissance Churches

     The Church of the Holy Trinity in Presov is considered the mother church in this area for a number of reasons.  One important reason is that in 1531 the entire area surrounding Presov converted to Lutheranism.  Another reason is the heroic stand that the Lutherans of Presov took during the time of the persecution when twenty four Lutherans were martyred.  Through 200 years the Lutheran in Presov struggled to build and maintain their own church.  Finally, in 1785, Trinity Lutheran was dedicated.  This church is built in the Renaissance style making use of a high arched interior and multiple balconies.  Buried within the church are the remains of the 24 executed by General Anton Caraffa.
     The other church of this period that we visited is Rejova.  Several things about this church are somewhat unique.  One that I found interesting is that the entire floor slopes downward to the altar.  Another is the amount of gold leaf used in the liturgical elements.  The carved and painted columns supporting the four-sided balcony remind me of the pillars in the church at Serbin, Texas.  Most of the literature uses the term "onion dome" when talking about the final fixture atop the church tower.  One of my big questions is not why they call it an onion dome, but how in the world do they make them, each one unique and exhibiting its own elements, and above it all, the cross of Jesus.

The Church of the Holy Trinity, Presov.....

The Lutheran Church of Rejdova.....

Two women of the church heading home.
+Sola Deo Gloria+