Monday, May 9, 2011

Our Mountain Home

We thought you might enjoy a few pictures of the house where we are staying for this month of May.  The house will soon be 100 years old and the part in which we are staying has been reconstructed.  The setting is absolutely breathtaking!  Perched high in a mountain meadow, it is accessible by car only in good weather.  As you will see, the view is wonderful.  Our driveway (sic) also serves as a logging wagon road for the neighbor and his horses.  We have all the conveniences of home and all in high style.  Zrud Zuzana. the name of this Goral mountain house, is a great base for exploring the worship places of Slovakia.

computer problems.......hope to add more photos another time................


We just learned today that "how you do it" in Slovakia is you go to a restaurant that has 'wiffi' - we had always been looking for a Kaladi Brothers-type place when in a town where we thought there might be one.  No internet cafes in Slovakia.  Now we know!


  1. That's the life! Hard to come down from the mountaintop in more ways than one, eh?

  2. I am loving your blog! This place is amazing. Glad you are having such a fabulous, heart-stopping trip...Cheers from Julie Pollock
