Monday, February 21, 2011

It's not ALWAYS sunny!

This photo was taken on February 16th on our way back to Rumsey from Cloverdale.  No, Cloverdale is not near Tahoe!

On Sunday, the 20th, we went to church in Woodland and then drove on to San Francisco.  Just the two of us went as we thought the trip would be a little too strenuous for Grandma.  Lots of walking!

National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi, established June 1849 as St. Francis of Assisi Church

View of the Oakland Bay Bridge     Carolyn's dad worked on the bridge when it was being built.  He worked down in the caissons where the foundational supports for the bridge were constructed.

Lots of people to celebrate Chinese New Year

The Transamerica Building provoked much controversy prior to, during and after its construction... many felt it would 'ruin' San Francisco's skyline.  Now it is a prominent landmark!   

We had walked from our hotel to Fisherman's Wharf......we rode the cable car back!

The Castle Inn   
A very nice little hotel!

Not much traffic..... lots of pedestrians on the right side walkway, bicycles on the left

Bay Bridge from the Vista Point at the north end of the Golden Gate

Began with snow.....and now ending with California poppies already blooming!

oops! this was supposed to be at the top with the other photo


  1. Great pics! I miss San Francisco. Glad you got to spend some time there!

  2. Cloverdale, CA?? that is where Dad had his first church and where I was born. What a small world. Miss you guys
