Sunday, February 27, 2011

Back in the Greatland

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God"
We worshipped at St. John, Palmer, and were certain we could hear our Funny River congregation singing along with us as we sang this hymn.

After church we headed out the Knik Road to the starting point of the Iditarod Trail Invitational.  Our son-in-law, Joe, is riding this race as a tribute to his grandfather who passed away last year from complications associated with Alzheimer's disease.  He "teamed up" with the Alzheimer's Disease Resource Agency of Alaska for this event as an effort to raise awareness and funds for ADRAA.  Joe's whole family was there to cheer him on and wish him well;  his sister, Becky, even came up from Oregon.  So, a great family gathering to remember grandpa, enjoy each other in this setting and support and encourage Joe.  And we (Rakos side) were three generations of extended family as Grandma came with us when we came home the other day and she came with us to church and to the race start.

All ready to ride!

There were others............

You can follow the race on

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