Friday, April 29, 2011

He Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed

. The journey from Maundy Thurday, Big Friday and Holy Saturday is a journey of preparation for the coming of Easter, a foretaste, if you will, of the feast to come.  Carolyn is barely awake and Zuzana drags her across the road to wash in the water of the "Jordan".  I followed.  Then came Slavo with a vial of water to splash on Carolyn and his mother.  Our Easter breakfast was eaten before church with everyone eating from the same central bowl. Ninety eggs compressed into a super dense cube, homemade raw bacon, homemade ham, kielbasa, and salami, mashed beets, and Easter bread.  This same food is used at each of three meals. No plate, just a fork. The Easter service was jammed. We went early to get a seat and that was very fortunate as the church filled quickly. We had a special Easter Liturgy. The Pastor not only chanted the liturgy, but also the prayers and the Gospel. Our cousin Ludovit sang with seven other men, the "Older People" Choir sang, and the children sang. It was a wonderful service. This congregation absolutely fills this place with their singing. The Pastor called me up  to bring greetings, and then he presented me with a gift . At home we ate again, same food as this too is traditional, then off to Slavo and Zlata's (gold) house for more Easter celebration and more food and drink. We rolled home. One thing that seems to be traditional is that the woman of the family offers all prayers both at meals and other times. Easter Monday found us heading to Presov to the church of the bishop. When we got there we found that the Lutheran service had already ended and the Reformed was next. Jan said no Reformed! So we went to the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Catholic Church and the Dominican Catholic Church. All beautiful churches with their own tradition of celebrating Easter Monday. The churches were packed to standing and the music filled what little room was left. The huge Roman Church had an orchestra accompanying the liturgy while the Greek Catholics had their processional. Obviously we would have preferred to worship in the Lutheran tradition, but observing the others was instructive. We have much to be thankful for in our Lutheran heritage, and at Easter it all comes together with our Lord Jesus Arising from the dead having been victorious over sin, death and the devil, and the words ring in our ears "because I live, you too shall live". To God be the Glory+
Traditional Easter meal

The family all eating out of same bowls

Zuzana and Carolyn

The center of the party.....9 mo. old Karen

Very old and very large Lutheran church in Presov

Choir loft and organ in the Lutheran church in Presov

Baptismal font in Lutheran church in Presov

The family standing in front of the altar    -   Jan is an official in the Presov District
This gives an idea of the size of this Catholic church

The extremely ornate interior of the Greek Catholic church

The family has the streets of Presov to themselves as everyone else is in church!

The Greek Catholics on their Easter Monday processional

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