Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today we are ever so thankful that our son-in-law, Joe, had a successful ride from Knik to McGrath (350 miles) in the Iditarod Invitational.  He got back to Anchorage yesterday and we had a family celebratory dinner,  took a look at his pictures and totally enjoyed his stories from the trail.  We know there will be more to follow..... what an experience!!!

We are also very thankful that Grandma's health is still good enough that she can travel and come to visit us.  She's only here for a short time this visit, but it has been great to have her here.
Also visiting us now is our dear friend, Marcia.  We first met her family in 1969 when we moved to Modesto.  She and her brother were in the Youth Group and her parents often helped on youth outtings, camping trips and retreats and any other ways they could.  Our friendship with the whole family spans not only a lot of years but also a lot of miles.

And so, on yet another day of sunshine, we thank God for Joe, for Mother, for Marcia and for all of our many blessings!  And, I am reminded of Shawn and the Doxology..... "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;  Praise Him above, O heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen."

DeeDee - ready to head to Nome

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