Sunday, March 20, 2011

Second Sunday in Lent

This morning we worshiped at Zion.  I didn't bring my camera along because we had already posted photos taken at Zion (January 2nd), but I should have.  Who pulled in to the parking lot right ahead of us but Melisa and Kari!  Kari is student teaching here in Anchorage and Melisa had brought Brad up to catch a flight to Houston.  It was great to see them!
At Funny River today they had an old-time Gospel hymn theme for their worship service followed by a Southern-style potluck with everything from baked grits to pulled pork to pecan pie and lots in between (so we heard).  So, in reminiscing about music, I am thinking of our music festivals where we have had some great Gospel songs along with lots of other great music.  I thought it would be fun to post a few photos from the festivals so that we can all reminisce.


"As long as we live, there is never enough singing."  Martin Luther   

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