Sunday, March 13, 2011


We have sure been blessed with a lot of it lately!  Every day that we have been home from California it has been sunny!
And, speaking of California, remember the day we were coming home from Cloverdale and ran into snow?  Well, guess what?  Taby was born in Cloverdale!  Her dad was pastor at Grace Lutheran Church.  Small world.
Grace Lutheran Church, Cloverdale, California
Organized December 1952
"It was a busy week in Lake Wobegon" as Garrison Keillor would say.  Grandma and Marcia left on Tuesday, on Wednesday Grandma went in the hospital with pneumonia (a few days later 'downgraded' to having the flu), on Thursday George went to the doctor (he has bronchitis) and on Friday I got to meet our dear friends Jeff and Kathy for lunch when they were in Anchorage.  I did not have my camera along, but here is a favorite photo from this past winter.

It was wonderful to see them!  We hadn't seen them since the SeaTac airport chance meeting when they were on their way to the Mayo Clinic.  Jeff looks terrific!  Praise God!
And, also, we praise God that Mother is out of the hospital (yesterday afternoon) and is at my sister's home until she goes for a follow-up appointment with her doctor.
I am the 'blogger' this time and this pretty much summarizes our week here in Anchor-town.   Carolyn

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