Monday, May 14, 2012

Family Days

Apparently red is the 'new color' for roofing!  This is the family church at Hanusovce nad/Toplou where we all met for worship.  After church we all went to Jan and Zuzana's home for a family gathering..... It began with a big Sunday dinner, then much visiting and enjoying the outdoors and then, another meal before everyone went home!  Oh, and, quite a few toastings ~ Nastrodia!
The grandchildren....Karinka, Bianca and Sidonia

Zuzana reading her new book, Karinka, Zlata and Janna

Lui and Slavka
More to follow.....the uploading is very slow!

1 comment:

  1. So great to see pictures of the family again! How many chickens did you go through this time? :)
