Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Gemer Ramblings

Blue skies in Nandraz, the mother church of Rakos.  Guess what?  We got to go inside for some great photos.  There was a young woman there when we were and she is doing research for her PhD in Altar and Pulpit Artwork.
The pulpit (note extended hands of the apostles) with ornamental baldachrin.
The church at Rakos

The really old (1300's) Catholic church at Rakos.
As you can see, it is no longer in the 'center of town' and no longer in use.

The church at Sasa is, what Carolyn calls, an "alamo style".....although this style is way older than The Alamo.  (have been trying for 10 minutes to get the photo on here correctly, but no luck)

Visiting an old friend again!  Up a very hard to find dirt road to Rybnik, built in 1250 and now standing empty.

An "alamo" with an elegant belltower in Visnova.
On a hill above a field of blooming rape seed sits the church at Chvalova.

The tower beside the church at Kamenany looks like brand new compared to the village.

Another visit to Ratkova (will work on 'problem' later)

On the beautiful route of our second day in Gemer County
In Hrnciarska we visited this beauty.  It has a large Lutheran school and it faces across the valley to the Catholic church shown below.

to be continued..........

Our church at Nizny Skalnik

Another 13th century beauty at Teriakovce.  We visited this twice last year, once with Jahna and Karen.

Uzovska Panica

This church stands high on the hill at Velky Blh.  We noted many headstones in the cemetary with the 'chalice', the symbol for Lutherans.

At Hostisovce the bell tower is up the street. (alamo church)

Striezovce was a lonely place on a dead end road.  We found this old Lutheran church, a friendly man and his three cows and one content dog.

As the sun sets we head for the Inn at Rohozna (our home for three days)


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Wonderful pictures, and a lot of them. You much have had better wiffie today! Did you see the same ladies we met last year in Rakos?
