Saturday, May 5, 2012


Leaving Brezno
(once again the photo has gone sideways....i do not know how to correct it - sorry)

The Lutheran church at Hybe
Karen, check out the speaker on the pole.


The High Tatras

This medieval church near the Spis Castle absolutely dominates the landscape.

Spis Castle
Now it really dominates the landscape and I am so upset that these photos have gone sideways and that I do not know how to correct the problem.

This is the castle we are staying in tonight!  And it has "wiffi" ~ imagine, a castle with internet!

Right across the road from 'our' castle

On our way to Presov we stopped in Poprad at "a favorite haunt" where they have Wiffi and so we were able to upload the photos for our previous blog.  Each time we went there last year we ordered a Greek salad.  It is not on the menu this year so we had chicken salad which was every bit as good.

So, why did this one go right........

....and this one go sideways???

Tomorrow we will be seeing the relatives!

1 comment:

  1. A castle with wiffy! Awesome. I do see the speaker...did you hear some good music and announcements?
