Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 4 - Return to Gemer County

Hotel Rohozna, Brezno

Today we had a beautiful drive through the Czech countryside, then on to the freeway (not so beautiful) to Bratislava and beyond, and finally on to the country roads with which we are so familiar.  We could not resist stopping at Kraskova and a few other places along the way.  It was very difficult to NOT turn off on the road to Rakos, but it was 5pm by then and we still had a ways to go to our hotel in Brezno.
We had selected 8 photos to upload, but so far it has taken 25 minutes and not completed the first photo...... we will try again later.
Happy Birthday, Joanne.

Very old church at Kraskova

Upstairs to the organ loft

Yes! the organ works!

The pastor in the pulpit

As we were driving away from the church, several boys on bicycles were coming toward us and in the middle of them our friend Paul, who had met us last year with the keys to the church.  So we went back and were able to go inside with Paul.  We photographed (again) the 600 year old frescos and climbed into the organ loft where Paul pumped the organ and Carolyn played a few notes.   And, you even climb up to the pulpit in these old churches.

Rimavska Bana
If you think I messed up putting this sideways, think about the people who painted the roof of this medieval church RED!  (it looks somewhat picturesqe, but in our opinion, it looked better last year)We did not go inside this time, but this church contains some of Slovakia's most treasured frescos.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great photos and commentary! Thank you so much for keeping us updated!
