Sunday, January 30, 2011


We attended Bible class and worship service today at St. Paul Lutheran in "downtown" Austin.  The church was founded in 1891; the new church was dedicated in 1959.  It is a very large church with an elementary school and also with Concordia High School on the grounds.  John, who knew brother Andy in Juneau, attends here and invited us to join he and his family. I had been in email-contact with him prior to our coming here and he did a bit of 'ground work' for me.  After church they had a special dinner and the pastor from Jesus Lutheran Church for the Deaf gave a presentation about the deaf ministry here in Texas.  Then, after they took their daughter and granddaughter home, John and Luan picked us up and took us on a guided tour of some of Austin - it's a big city and we didn't quite cover all of it!  We topped the tour off with a good ol' Texas dinner (I can't remember the name of the place right now) and then bid our new friends good night.  It was a wonderful day!
Oh, and get this!  John was the school administrator in Nunapitchuk when the VBS team first went out there!
Palm trees in Austin?  You bet!  And the temperature to go along with them.  It has been really nice weather since we have been here.  It was 67 this morning here at church!

As I said, St. Paul is a very large church.... with a pipe organ to fill it.  And, this morning we had brass accompaniment as well - Jahna and Karen know how much Mom likes that!


  1. Lucky lucky you!!!! Sounds like a fabulous day. What a great connection you made with the people there. I know you're touring churches by day, but don't forget about the fantastic music scene in Austin at night!

  2. Wow! How exciting! Nothing better than pipe organ and brass for those good old Lutheran hymns.
