Monday, January 31, 2011

Back on the country roads

One thing Texas has is LOTS of roads and believe me, it seems like we've been on most of the country roads in these parts!  Lexington, Lincoln, Dime Box, Loebau, Manheim, Fedor, Noack...... 

St. James has really beautiful stained glass windows in their new building (1963)

And, more beautiful windows at St. John, Lincoln.  When we went to St. John the other day we were not able to get we went in.  Our friend John went with us today.  He had taught at St. John School back in the 80's and enjoyed getting back out in the country and seeing these churches with us.

Playground equipment from back in your day, John?

                                           Trinity Lutheran Church, Old Dime Box, TX

We could not find Manheim on the map....but we finally did find Manheim and this is what is left of the town:

 .....AND Ebenezer Lutheran Church with its cemetary alongside and a parish hall across the road.  It was founded in 1876 and they built a school in 1914.  We are guessing that the parish hall across the road was the church and school prior to this one being built. 

Now, anyone who thinks the road to Funny River is curvy and remote, y'all ain't seen nothin' 'til you take the road to Christ Lutheran, Loebau!  And you would not believe their grounds.  I would guess 40 acres with, get this Gerry, two big barbequers and quite a few grills under a big covered area, a large covered picnic area and, of course, a cemetary.  Oh, forgot to mention, Loebau is not on the map either.  The church was founded in 1892 and this new one was built in 1987.

On our way to Noack (also not on the map) we passed by Trinity, Fedor, and could not resist another picture.

It got dark on us, but this church in Noack is really pretty and a different architecture from the others.  It would be nice to go back in the daylight but our days here are coming to an end soon.
Christ Lutheran Church, founded 1891


  1. Wow! You are really getting around Texas! How cool that Nunap John went with you!

  2. It's a small world ... from Nunapitchuk AK to Austin TX ... friends wherever you go. Awesome!
