Sunday, January 9, 2011

Trinity Lutheran Church

This morning we attended Trinity Lutheran, the oldest Lutheran church west of the Mississippi.  It was founded in 1839, was mostly destroyed in a cyclone in 1869 (the altar and pulpit were intact) and was rebuilt that same year.  It is beautiful and it was a thrill for us to worship there.  As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are the pictures.

And, we leave you with a portion of the prayer of the church today:  Father in heaven, we praise You during these darkest weeks of the year that You do not leave us in spiritual darkness.  When You spoke the Word at creation, there was light.  When Your people wandered in the valleys of deep spiritual darkness, You sent Your Son Jesus as the Light of the world.  When we needed the gift of faith, Your Spirit moved into our hearts to call us with the Gospel.  Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

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