Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back Home

We left St. Louis yesterday at 6pm.  This gave us some time to tour downtown a bit before turning in our rental car.  However, we did not get to do this touring quite as we had planned.  Take a look...

About two inches of snow covered the ground.....we did not walk around in the park where the Gateway Arch is, we did not walk down by the river, we did not walk very far to go in to the Union Station and we spent more time in there than we had originally planned.  However, there is lots to see there!

Inside the station
Union Station

                So, as you can see, we had snow in St. Louis, it was snowing in Seattle when we got there, and, in Anchorage it was blue sky and sunshine when we arrived home!     But here is some real sunshine for you..... we saw Jeff and Kathy in the Seattle airport as they were going from one flight to the next!!  Can you believe it?  God does, indeed, perform miracles!

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