Friday, January 7, 2011

St. Louis

Today we visited Concordia Theological Seminary which is wedged between downtown St. Louis and some of the extreme highend little towns and neighborhoods of St. Louis.  For example:  Huntleigh (pop. 390), all extreme estates, including that of young Augie Pabst.  Do Lutherans like their beer??
Back to campus. We visited The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus
The Office of President Dale Meyer
The Luther Tower
and The Luther Statue

We spent some time in the Concordia Historical Museum which had an exhibit on the life and ministry of the second President of the Missouri Synod, Dr.F. C. D. Wyneken (born on 13 May 1810 at Verden, Hannover (Germany).  Also on exhibit are the Albrecht Durer woodcuts from the 1500's.  One of his most well-known works is "Praying Hands".
And, of course, we went in the campus bookstore.

Concordia College, now Concordia Seminary, opened in December of 1839 in this building.  Well, actually, this is a replica.  The original is in Altenburg, MO.

Recognize this guy?


  1. Wow! Beautiful photos and exciting history. Here I stand. I can do no other.

  2. Their statue of ML is a little different than the one at Cal Lu!

  3. This is so interesting. We hope to see more. -- Lou
